Canada is ranked #1 for best quality of life and has some of the world’s most livable cities.
Canada has the 10th largest economy and is among the 10 most prosperous countries.
Skilled foreign workers are needed to fill thousands of high-demand jobs in Canada.
Over 300,000 immigrants each year are welcomed to live in multicultural Canada.
Canadians receive free basic healthcare and live in one of the most peaceful countries.
You can have access to many educational options in one of the most educated countries.
Receive Your Canadian Visa Evaluation!
INMIGRACION CANADIENSE is a private company that offers beneficial services to people who want to live and work in Canada.
Our experienced support team works in close cooperation with Authorized Canadian Immigration Representatives to guide people from around the world through each step of the process to immigrate to Canada.
The Authorized Canadian Immigration Consultants can evaluate your options to relocate to Canada and assist you in properly filing your Canadian visa application with all of the required documents.
If you and your family want to live and work in Canada long-term as permanent residents and have the opportunity to become a Canadian citizen, the INMIGRACION CANADIENSE team is ready to help!
We make immigration to Canada fast, easy and affordable!
Expert guidance is available from an Authorized Canadian Immigration Consultant during each stage of the immigration procedure.
You can receive an expert assessment of your Canadian visa options.
Our experienced team of professionals explains the process and answers your questions.
Several secure payment options are offered for your convenience.
Customer Service is available in multiple languages.
Here are some general requirements for immigration to Canada. Skilled foreign workers must have an adequate level of English or French language skills, as demonstrated by achieving a sufficient score on an authorized evaluation exam, such as the IELTS for English or TEF for French. Foreign workers who are applying for a Canadian visa will usually need to possess a recognized post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree related to their occupation. They will also need at least 1-2 years of paid work experience within the previous 5-10 years (depending on the Canadian immigration program) in a qualifying occupation related to their education. Some Canadian visa programs for skilled foreign workers require that a minimum amount of points be received for various factors (such as age, English/French language skills, education, work experience, etc.). You and all family members who will immigrate to Canada with you must be in good health (a medical exam may be required). Furthermore, you and all family members who will move to Canada with you must have good character (a police certificate may be requested). Please note that this is an overview of some of the key requirements and that each Canadian immigration program has its own specific eligibility criteria. To learn if you qualify to apply for a Canadian visa, click here!
DISCLAIMER: This information is not and should not be considered as expert or professional advice.